Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Walt and Derek

In Front of the Walt & Mickey Statue at Disneyland, Holding Disney's Biography

"Somehow I can't believe there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows the secret of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to me, can be summarized in four C's. They are Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, and Constancy and the greatest of these is Confidence. When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably."-Walt Disney

This is one of my favorite pictures of myself from 2011, the year I turned 30. Me and my idol, Walt Disney. I am in awe of his bravery, perseverance, and ability to deliver magic. He fought through so many obstacles to follow his passions and change the world. From Mickey, to live action movies, to the theme parks, Walt was a pioneer and a creative visionary. I can only hope to be tenth of the man he was.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Working on Short Films

I currently have a couple short films in the works.

Excited to work on these projects, comedy, sci-fi, etc. Should be fun! 

There are always challenges with schedules, equipment, issues with collaborators, financing...But the hard work is usually worth it!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Hey yo! Friday night! About to go pick up the bros and go have some fun, get into some trouble! Hope all is well with everyone!
Saw "Takers" (good), "Resident Evil Afterlife 3D" (alright), "Piranha 3D" (awesome), and "Machete" (disappointing) this week at the movie theater.
Dealing with a broke laptop, cell phone, and dying Prius! Ahhhhh!
Had a fun time driving around haunted spots in the LB w/ Karen last night...Had a fun time last weekend in San Diego w/ Spangie at a Hippy Party...Had fun with my bros (Terence, Craig, Jole, Aaron) at Deli News on Wednesday.
9/11 was last week! 9 years ago man....God bless America.
VMA's were good. Trueblood & Entourage finales were cool...My kitty is good.
Been a better week than last week, lemme tell ya!
Elbow still rough, though. Injuries!
Rockin out to Motley Crue right now. Party hard!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I Sunburnt My Knees Somehow!

 “Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world.”
--Ada Louise Huxtable, writer

What a beautiful day it was...Walked down by the bay and saw lovely ladies in bikinis partying on boats...Summer is awesome in So Cal. There is this one corner on the Bayshore beach where sorority girls always kick it...Oh boy, I need to get back in shape!

Had fun yesterday at the beach with Karen (I almost tossed her in the ocean, but instead ate her sandwich), later the hanging out with my boys Nick & Greg (got Chipotle, watched Monday Night Football pre-season game), and finally kicked it with Spangie (ate Panda Express, got her hooked on How I Met Your Mother, snuggled with her puppy Lilu). You know, I am blessed to have such a great family, and friends. Karen is very impassioned, and I love talking to her about world affairs, and venting to her about my problems! Nick & Greg are like my brothers, and they always have my back, no matter what. They consistently cheer me up! Some of our conversations are sitcom-worthy, for sure. And Spangie is just hilarious. When she isn't wrestling with some bureaucratic nuisance, she's entertaining me with her endless energy and spirit.

Spoke to my artist, Winford, for a while about our next comic strip...He is having some computer difficulties, but I hope it still turns out good. (The concept art is to the right, these are characters I developed in 1993. This is will the 2nd strip of "Jumbo & Hoppy" by Winford & myself.)

This weekend was w/ Karen (the Spanish version of "Quarantine" called "REC", which came out first, and was slightly better than the remake) & had a fun dinner w/ her fam, BBQ block party for cousin's bday, then a bday party at a bar for my homegirl Steffani (saw lots of old school faces from high school. was the ultimate designated driver again), kicked it with Spangie, kicked it with Danny...Good friends and good times!

Looking forward to reading new comic books tomorrow and getting my latest script done!

Okay, I'm off to a late dinner and a movie! Keep fighting!

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Unread Safeword

The Unread Safeword
Composed on 8/19/10

God forgive me for this life I’ve led
And all the blood and tears I’ve shed
The battles continue with frightful raging
My own content, a front I’m waging
Staged the combat seen so freely
With nerves quite calm, a look so steely
Deep the hurt goes in scenes so often
Where I die, then arise from my own coffin
Each day’s a chance to live it brighter
But I feel the Tempter’s grip grow tighter
Fighting for my best performance
The pressure builds till it’s too enormous
And maybe I’ve grown a comfort for it
A life so wretched that I deplore it
Stored in my own heart’s locked compartment
Is a word so soft, etched on a parchment
In a language long dead and ancient
In my translation, I’m not ever patient
So I do not bother to read this secret
Buried, forgotten is where I keep it
But maybe you can guess this codeword
That would propel me up and forward
It might be reason, or maybe hope
The truths in love for my sorrow’s cope
Yet without it, I commence in warring
Not concerned by what my heart is storing
And in each death, I find rebirth
Missing the essence of what life’s worth
Though I would not allow myself to free it
Just say I could release this note to see it
The word is not for my understanding
While I give in to my foes’ demanding
My eyes are shrouded by the World’s illusions
So I dwell in conflict’s endless confusion
God, I give thanks, for You remain so kind
In spite of all my choices, my eyes so blind

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reluctant Smile

"The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way."
-Robert Kiyosaki, author & investor

In an odd mood today, need to remember to smile despite any adversity in my life, and focus on moving forward and being positive. I am blessed in so many ways, regardless of any tiny snags or obstacles that come my way.

I had two possible acting gigs recently, one fell through because my hair has been cut (they wanted my long hair for a 70's role). The second was for a detective, which would have been great, but the tallest guy they could take was 6'3", so I am 2-3 inches too tall. Darn, those are the breaks! Acting involves constant rejection, and you have to remain thick-skinned and diligent.

Debated a friend today, did some reading, worked on a script, ate Subway for lunch. Nothing too exciting. I have to go lift and then figure out what I'm doing with myself tonight. Might have to work a premiere tomorrow.

Last weekend was lots of fun (clubs, fights on TV and in real life, movies, friends). Danny & Jason are two of the craziest guys there are, but both of them are exceptional human beings! Had a nice lunch in Hollywood with Karen the other day. Had a great time getting sushi with Greg last night, and found my camera! Yes! Look forward to seeing "The Expendables" soon. I have a couple interesting films to blog about that I saw on Netflix. Back to the grind, trying to sell a script...Gotta make 2010 remarkable!

"Inside of every problem lies an opportunity."
-Robert Kiyosaki, author & investor

(Here is a sample of artwork of a comic strip that my friend Francis Dulguime and I working on. Its called "Animabies" and its about Anime characters as little tykes. Finished product will be done before the end of the month...)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What's up there, Chief?

"If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun." -Katharine Hepburn

When I go out of this world, I'll be able to say I had a helluva time in it!

The roar of the speed boats sounds in the Marina, and a strange banging sound raps at my window...What is it? I'm too tired to investigate. Just got invited to Laughlin by my cute homegirl. Do I go? My latest assignment is up, so I will have some free time. Hmmm. I did get jealous when Snate and the boys went last time without me. And I love to Jet Ski!

Oh man, still recovering from last night. I need to go feed some animals, then feed myself, and lift weights...I've done some epic partying lately. Seen some great movies recently, too. Will have to explain in more detail later. Thank goodness for good back rubs. Can't find my camera. Is at Greg's, the Shorehouse, at a bar, or lost? Karen needs her BP photo! Uh, I have heartburn.

Okay, my screenwriting is calling me, and I have texts and phone calls to return, but much love to my people, and stay happy!